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One-Time Extension through Feb. 2nd!!


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12 monthly mastery modules that give you the precise steps and cutting-edge hacks!

get all this for only $297-$397!



Dear Fellow Warrior,

Do you know what MASTERY really is?

When you see a Real Kung Fu Master perform amazing feats, you are seeing a man who is in Complete Control of his mind, body, and spirit in that moment.

He has it Mastered.

I could give you dozens of examples, but I know you get the point. So here’s what Mastery REALLY is…

Mastery is Being at Your Peak Potential and Having Complete CONTROL of Your Life!


So here’s the most important question you could ever ask your self:

Would You Like to Reach Your Peak Potential and Have Complete Control of Your Life?

If so, I’ve got great news for you!

Scott Bolan, known as the Modern-Day Ninja and the Ultimate Mastery Coach, has developed an all-new Program that gives you the exact steps for Mastery!

Scott’s work is well-known worldwide. He REVOLUTIONIZED Martial Arts and Self Development with his bestselling Martial Mastery and Mental Warfare Secrets courses. It was these accomplishments among many others that landed him in the Martial Arts Hall of Fame with a Lifetime Achievement Award!

Now, Scott has changed the game again with an incredible NEW Program of cutting-edge teachings and trainings for 2019, taught in an NEW way that makes it EASY to Learn even Faster!

Listen. Science has shown us that we Humans haven’t even BEGUN to reach our peak potential! We barely use only a TINY amount of our brains!

But look at how we’ve grown – from the horse-drawn cart, to race cars, air planes and space ships. The human brain and potential continues to grow towards Mastery. And we can now have Mastery in our daily lives, AND continue to grow!

In fact, we are either growing, or stagnating (which means DYING).

Life is changing and evolving constantly.

That’s Why The Ancient Masters said that
“Changing With Change Is The Changeless State”

In order to Win in Life and not be left behind and become irrelevant and medicore, you must Change with Change (this means Control and Reaching Your Peak Potential. In other words: MASTERY)

You Must Attain Mastery in Every Area of Your Life. Yes, I mean EVERY area of your life –

  • Mastery of your your Body and Physical Performance
  • Mastery of your Physical and Mental Energy
  • Mastery of Your Emotions (this is vitally important)
  • Mastery of Your Mind Skills
  • Mastery of Your Mind, Thoughts and Magnetic Force
  • Mastery of your Money – Manifest in ABUNDANCE (so you don’t have to worry about it anymore)
  • Mastery of Your Environment (this is way beyond “feng shui”, you will learn to master and own any environment you walk into, and develop your own empowerment sanctuary)
  • Mastery of Your Relationships (no more BS, frustration or stagnation! “The Golden Key” brings harmony, happiness, unity and bliss)
  • Mastery of Attraction (Again, The Golden Key will rock your world, make everyone happy and have them eating out of your hand!)
  • Mastery of Modern Influence (Social Media. Texting. Apps. The world has changed and is moving at light speed. You get the master keys to quickly be ahead of the game and use all of this to your advantage!)

… and of course much more than we have time to write about here.

Look, it’s True:

You Can Master EVERY area of your life – your Health, your Inner Game, your Money-Making, your Relationships, Your Spiritual Strength, Your Mental Strength, your Speech, your Communication, your Persuasion Abilities – yes, you CAN do everything in Life Masterfully. If you don’t have Mastery in any area, it is because of two reasons:

Reason #1:
Believe Mastery Isn’t Possible

Reason #2:
You Don’t Know HOW To Achieve Mastery
Because You Weren’t Given The Knowledge
and The Exact Steps to Implement It

Well here’s the good news: That’s where Scott Bolan comes in with this information for you! He gives you the Knowledge from over 4 decades of training, research, and real-world experience, and gives you The Exact Steps to implement it in a complete Program!

You see, Scott Bolan is one of a rare few people on earth teaching this. He comes from a long lineage of elite master trainers, many of whom are no longer with us.

A Martial Artist since the age of 8, Scott Bolan has spent his entire life studying and training in the Mental, Physical and Spiritual Disciplines of the Ancient Masters of the Martial Arts all the way to the Modern Masters.

He’s also been trained by the very best of the best and studied and researched extensively in NLP, Hypnosis, Huna, etc. Scott has studied the most successful people in the world, and is a student (and master) of success itself! I could write a book on Scott Bolan, and I probably will someday. You see, Scott walks his talk, he practices what he preaches because he used it first in his own life before teaching others how to do it.

Scott Bolan went from poverty, a broken home, discouragement, low confidence, and the type who would be voted least likely to succeed, to self-mastery and worldwide success and recognition.


Many Teachers Out There Only Study,
and Then Teach What They Studied.
They Lack Real-World Experience!

Scott Bolan used what he learned in the REAL WORLD in REAL LIFE for REAL MIND-BLOWING RESULTS, Before teaching it!

With Scott, you’re getting a teacher you can trust and talk to, and he’s as real as they get.

Martial Arts Hall of Fame two-time inductee as Author of The Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award, Scott has been doing this for 30 years!

And now his years of extensive research, application, and teaching and training have culminated into cutting-edge tools you can use to learn at light-speed to get the results YOU want.

Now you get to take advantage of his decades of study and training because he’s distilled it all down into powerful and dynamic yet simple and easy steps (like coal being distilled into a Diamond) in an Elite Mastery Program!

The Mastery Program is a specific training program that gives you a monthly MASTERY MODULE with a Video and that shows you HOW to Master each subject.

The Elite Mastery Program is a revolutionary new way to Master Every Area of Life.

Scott Bolan calls it “TOTAL LIFE MASTERY” for a reason – just look at when you get…

“The Spirit Controls EVERYTHING”

But what IS the Spirit, and How Can You Master It?

This DVD answers that question, and gives you specific steps, meditations and daily practices for Spiritual Mastery.

Scott is joined by a world-recognized award-winning author on this amazing module that will be your “light-switch” moment, the day it all turned around!

“Money Is A Manifestation of Knowledge, Focus, and Creativity.
It’s the Biggest Challenge People Face. That’s Why We’re Going To Share

Let’s just get right to the point: Scott has thousands of students and subscribers all over the world. He sent out an email asking them…

What Is The Greatest Struggle You’re Facing?

The response was overwhelming: 89% of the people said the #1 struggle they face… the #1 thing holding them back… is MONEY.

That is absolutely the biggest challenge most people have, because it effects everything else!

From the quality of your life, to how you spend your time, where you go, what you can do, your freedom to travel and spend your time on things you care about, your ability to help those you love and causes you care about, to providing for your family and their quality of life. That makes it SUPER IMPORTANT.

Listen. You may have noticed the ways to make money CONSTANTLY CHANGE. That’s part of the game, and once you understand it you can use it to your advantage and HARVEST CASH left and right!

And that’s why in this mastery module Scott is going to show you

**The New and EASIEST Ways To Manifest Money in 2019**

Plus, Scott is going to interview his close friend


Yup. He’s is literally the THUG of the Internet, and he’s AWESOME!
you can do while
He’ll also give you Mind-Blowing CRYPTOCURRENCY SECRETS!

Listen. once you are manifesting enough money to meet you needs and desires, you can live the way you want and do what you want. Whether it’s traveling, building your empire, or helping others.


These Mastery Modules alone are worth 10x the price of the program, YOU’LL LOVE IT!


“All Battles Are Won or Lost in the MIND FIRST”

Now You Can fully and powerfully Master Your Mind!

These are cutting-edge up-to-date NEW Mental Warrior teachings that Scott has never shared or taught before in any other courses, not even the bestselling Mental Warfare Secrets course!

Listen. Everything you see, touch, and hear in this world – from your computer, phone, books, clothing, plains, trains and automobiles – and every million dollar idea and even self-healing – was all created in the Mind First!

Scott Bolan is the author of the worldwide #1 bestselling Mental Warfare Secrets, and in this all-new training you will discover How to Master your Mind. In this module you’ll also discover…

  • The 4 Pillars of Mind Mastery
  • Mind Control Secrets of the Ninja (all-NEW teachings from Ancient Discoveries revealed for the first time anywhere)
  • How To Develop, and use, YourMind as a Powerful Weapon to get anything you want in Life.

Scott also invites a few of his world-famous award-winning friends (I won’t “name drop” here but if I said their name you’d know them) who share their…

Techniques for Winning World Championships
and even Conquering Disease and DEATH!



“Like It Or Not, The Internet and Smartphone Are a Powerful
Part of Your DAILY Life. You Will Either Master It and Use It To
Your Advantage, or It Will Take Advantage of You”

The Future George Orwell warned us about in 1984 is Here and Now.

If you’re not living in a concrete bunker on a mountain somewhere with no electronic communications whatsoever, the internet and smartphone is a part of your daily existence.

Knowing How To Control These Devices, and Use Them For Your Desired Results, is a Crucial Component to Your SAFETY and SUCCESS in Today’s Modern World!

This mastery module is aimed at all of us who aren’t very tech-savvy. We’re not going to teach you smartphone repair. But what you WILL learn is:

  • How To Use Your Smartphone as a Weapon
  • How To Use Your Smartphone as an Espionage Device
  • How To Use Apps for Time Mastery and Ultimate Efficiency
  • How To Protect Your Privacy
  • Computer Ninja 101
  • How To Make MONEY with Apps
  • How To Avoid Being HACKED

… and much more!

As always, Scott teaches in a way that is easy to understand and learn, no matter what level you’re at. Plus, he interviews a digital security expert to give us some practical tactical no-nonsense tips and skills!

Plus, Scott shares his own secrets and tips from Social Media Masters. Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc, is perhaps the most powerful form of influence communication in existence today.

No matter where you stand politically, love him or hate him, consider this: Donald Trump used social media to win the Presidential Election! Yes, there were other factors involved of course, but he used social media to bypass the News Media (who were more favorable to his opponents) and communicate directly with voters and create viral attention. Often his tweets alone would become headlines in the news.

Yes, Social Media is powerful. It can be used trivially and become a huge time-waster, or you can use it to your advantage to gather intelligence, research markets, people, and trends, make money, influence others, create publicity, and more!

In this mastery module you’ll get a goldmine of secrets you never knew about before that can change your game!


“Eat To Fuel Your Body, Not Feed Your Emotions!”
Includes what you really should know, and
what THEY don’t want you to know!
“A Strong Body Can Perform, A Weak One Can’t!
A Strong Body Is Respected By It’s Owner and All Who See It!”

Look. Scott Bolan is not a doctor or a nutritionist. He’s an athlete, martial artist, author and philosopher who got incredible results with his own body. In this mastery module, Scott shares his personal opinion, insights, tactics and strategies for what he calls “Eating As A Warrior”

Includes special guest interview with an elite nutritionist and award-winning bodybuilder where Scott shares insights and expansions. Your eyes will be opened!

Award-Winning Martial Artist athlete Scott Bolan shares his NEW discoveries, techniques, workouts, philosophy, tips and tactics and routines in Bodybuilding, and…

How To Rapidly Sculpt Your Body
to Be Strong and Look GREAT!

The bottom line is this: do you FEEL strong, and do you LOOK strong?

People feel strong when they ARE strong. You know it when it’s there.

It makes you more Confident. And your levels of Confidence affect EVERY area of your life – when you’re Strong and more Confident, you do better and get better results.


Now let’s talk about LOOKS.

When you’re Confident, you look better. You’re more attractive. In fact…

Nothing Is More Attractive Than Real Confidence!

*** And one thing you’ll also learn in EVERY mastery module in
the Elite Mastery Program is true and Lasting Confidence! ***

There’s another aspect of looks. And that’s YOUR BODY.

So I have a simple question for you: at your age…

When You Take Your Shirt Off and Look In The Mirror,
Are You Happy With What You See?

When You Take Your Shirt Off at a Poolside or
at the Beach, Are You a Little Embarrassed,
or do you Feel Like a Bad-Ass?

If you answered “No” to either of those questions, YOU NEED THIS MASTERY MODULE!

If you answered “Yes” to either of those questions, YOU’LL LOVE THIS MASTERY MODULE!


“Your Life is Made of Time.
Master The Moment, and You Master Life Itself”

This mastery “Fountain of Youth” module contains secrets of Longevity, and how to do and accomplish more in a single day than most men do in a week, month, or even a year!

This Time Multiplication principle is a Key to Longevity and Living Like a Warrior King. Life is made of Time. Multiply Time, and you Multiply your Life.

Yes, you really can distort time. Life is made of moments. Master the moment, and you master life itself.

Does that make sense?

Of course it does.

Each moment is a rare and precious gift that you have more control over than you’ve ever known. Up until now. In this mastery module you’re about to find out. Then you’ll know, and you can do.

“Seduction Is Done By Capturing and Leading

First of all, get your mind out of the gutter! LOL

Lots of guys (and women) have great difficulty with this issue and need useful information to make things work out better. Even married couples!

And Seduction isn’t just about Sex!

When you hear the statement “Seduction Is Done By Capturing and Leading the Imagination”, think about how POWERFUL and MEANINGFUL that really is.

It’s how elections are won. It’s how people become celebrities. And yes, it’s how romance can become passionate bliss.

Remember, Seduction isn’t something you do TO someone, it’s something you do WITH someone.

And in this mastery module, you will discover powerful, magnetic, dynamic, superior, fun and easy seduction that will have you jumping for joy and making life your personal playground.

Plus, Scott interviews and collaborates with a man who is arguably the most important and knowledgeable figure in the PUA world.


“You Are Always Communicating, By Default or By Design. When you Discover How To Communicate Effectively, You Persuade and Influence Magnetically,
and Life Becomes Easier and a lot More FUN!”

Almost everything you want in life is going to come from other people:

Love, Money, Respect, Attention, Service, Performance, Information, etc.

Knowing how to Persuade and Influence EFFECTIVELY (I spelled “effectively” in capitals for a reason) gets you what you want!

And this all comes down to COMMUNICATION. And EVERYTHING is Communication: Your Personal Energy, Attitude, Body Language, Verbal, Written and Speech – all of it!

Let’s Just Say It Like It REALLY Is: Communication Gets You PAID, Gets You Laid 🙂
and Gets You What You Want!

In this mastery module you will discover the most powerful secrets of Communication, Persuasion, Influence, Negotiation and MIND PENETRATION

Never Walk In Fear Again: Stop Any Attacker COLD with Cutting-Edge NEW Combatives that Keep You Ahead of the Pack (and the Leader of the Pack)!

With over 40 years of Martial Arts experience, Scott Bolan knows and does more and has even forgotten more than many trainers will ever learn in their lifetimes!

In this mastery module..

You Will Discover…

(When Necessary)

WARNING: This information is For Academic Study Only. Always Avoid Violence and Obey All Laws.

Also includes How To Beat ANY Martial Arts System, and a Breakdown of the most popular systems with their strengths, weaknesses, and stopping techniques for each one, as well as How To Beat an MMA Fighter!


“I have learned AMAZING transformational and empowering techniques and tools from my HUNA friends. We shared them with people from all over the world, and now we will share them with YOU!”

Scott Bolan’s studies and trainings into the Ancient Warriors didn’t just include the Shinobi, Ninjutsu and Samurai. He studied and trained just about every Warrior Art out there, including Huna.

Scott Bolan does not claim to be an authority on Huna, but his insights as always are spot-on and powerful. Scott found many similarities in Huna, Ninja, and Prana practices. In fact, for many years Scott was invited as co-presenter with the “who’s who” of Huna at several major Huna Conventions, and helped author training courses with them that still empower people all over the world to this day.

Huna is a dynamically powerful personal change catalyst based on Ancient Hawaiian practices of energetics, auras, breathing, spirituality, awareness and intentional spiritual living. Related to Huna in some circles is Ho’oponopono, a practice used for forgiveness, gratitude, clearing the past and errors of thought, vaporizing negativity, and healing. This is VERY powerful. When you don’t forgive them, you’re stuck right there with them!

In this mastery module, a leading Huna authority joins Scott to discuss what Huna is, how to practice it for incredible results and peace-of-mind, and more!

Don’t Worry, There’s No “Mumbo-Jumbo” Fluffy BS here. If You Are Warrior-Minded or into Martial Arts, You’ll LOVE This Mastery Module!

for Warriors Only!

“Bruce Lee Knew that Martial Arts MUST Evolve and grow, in the same Way Humans Change and Grow, to Stay Relevant and Be Effective. So Bruce founded Jeet Kune Do. Scott Bolan knows that Neuro Linguistic Programming MUST Evolve to Stay Relevant and Be Effective. So Scott founded Warrior NLP.”

Scott Bolan’s worldwide bestselling Speed NLP home study course changed the game. Finally, people could learn powerful and effective NLP Fast! We still get feedback from students all over the world who loved it and got great results.

Now with Warrior NLP, Scott gives you an even MORE powerful and effective form of NLP. This is REVOLUTIONARY and will “Strike The Root”, again!!!

This one is so chock-full of PLATINUM DYNAMITE I only have time to list a few of the things you’ll learn here…

  • Instant Rapport with Anyone (opposition and resistance make it EASIER!)
  • State Change that LASTS (most of the watered-down NLP state changes wear off in a day or two at most)
  • Invisible Anchoring and Firing Off Triggers (MIND CONTROL)
  • Values Elicitation by Visual Aura Scan (KNOW WHAT YOU’RE REALLY DEALING WITH)
  • Sensory Acuity on Steroids – Read Their Energy and All Situations Instantly!
  • Reverse Vector – they say no, then do yes! – they attack, and defeat themselves! -et al
  • Olympic-Level Peak Performance Drills ANYONE Can Do!
  • Operation MIND FORCE – Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

….. and more more more! I’d love to keep telling you about Warrior NLP, but since it hasn’t been released yet the material is CONFIDENTIAL and only available to those enrolled in the Elite Mastery Program.

If I were you, I’d make a smart move and avail yourself of these amazing skills. Your first monthly Mastery Module will fire out Jan. 5th, and you’ll be on your way to a Powerful New Way of Living.

Here’s The Bottom Line

The Elite Mastery Program gives you 12 monthly modules with a CONFIDENTIAL focus video that includes the exact steps to master that month’s topic, and a focus worksheet to fill out so you KNOW you have learned!

Plus, if you order by Jan 2nd, you Get These FREE Bonuses worth 1200.00 …

1)  Mastery Power Webinars that you’ll always be able to access from anywhere with any
device. These aren’t those cheesy “freebie” webinars that try to sell you something, no sir!
This is heap-loads of bad-ass content through and through.

2) Direct email access to Scott – you email in your questions, he answers them in the webinar! (without mentioning your name of course, your privacy is always respected!)

3) Membership in Scott’s PRIVATE Facebook Group, where Scott posts new content several times a week, and you can post questions for Scott to answer, and interact with other Members (like minds think alike and there is a synergy among Warriors – we all learn togther!)

4) The Esoteric Warrior Skills Workshop will be held on August 10th and 11th in Las Vegas, NV
Esoteric Skills are essential to the modern Warrior’s knowledge Arsenal.

“Esoteric Skills” means skills not known or understood by others.

Having these skills gives you a huge, and frankly an unfair advantage over the rest of the population.

That’s why you must promise you will use them responsibly

Like Spider-Man said, “with great power comes great responsibility!”

Each day’s workshop gives you a full education, training and drilling on four specific Esoteric Warrior Skills so that you fully learn them and get to take them home to keep for a lifetime.

They are as follows:

Saturday, August 10th:

Emotional Freedom: How To Have Complete Control of Your Emotions 24/7
(Includes the Emotional Switch 2.0 and Mental Mastery)
Covert Mind Control: How To Secretly Control The Minds of Others
Magnetic Attraction: How To Attract Who and What You Want Magnetically!
Hacking The System: Money Mastery in Today’s World

Saturday, Augst 11th:

Hypno-Speech: How To Covertly Hypnotize Others While You Speak Naturally!
Killer Instinct: for Combat Victory and for Dominating All Situations
(Killer Instinct is the one primary Factor that determines the outcome of ANY situation!)
Ninja Spiritual Practices, Life-Pathing, and Enemy Destruction: (CONFIDENTIAL)
Warrior NLP: NEW! The Cutting Edge that will REVOLUTIONIZE Neuro Linguistic
Programming! (you get it first) It will be Controversial of course (the old ways always
fear the new), and in High Demand!

The Esoteric Warrior Skills weekend admission price is 795.00, but everyone who orders the Elite Mastery Program gets in FREE.

Look. The Elite Mastery Program is EASILY worth $5,000.00 hands down, and we priced it at 1105.00 for the digital version and 1205.00 for digital + hard copy.

If you’re thinking in your mind right “Over a thousand! Oh my gosh!” then your mindset probably isn’t where it needs to be, and you are the person I should be talking to.

You’re the person who might benefit the most from this program

Hey, I’m sure there have been times in your life, or you’ve had friends tell you, that they’ve missed an opportunity. Where they said, “I sure wish I did that!”

I know we’ve all had times like that in our lives, and I don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity.

But I know you’re someone who takes action or you wouldn’t be here right now, and those are the people we like to reward – you’re the ones who will go through the material and take action on it and change their lives.

So you can take action right now I’m going to take care of you and make this super-affordable with a special offer of only 297.00 (digital) or 397.00 (digital + hard copy)

That’s an over 900.00 discount!!

Why is Scott making a program worth over $1000.00 only 297/397 ?

Because he wants you to take action right now so you can get in on this program and finally become the Elite Warrior you always knew you should be.

Order now, and we look forward to seeing you on the Path of Elite Mastery!
